#SPACE: Moonwalker to Mars

#SPACE: Moonwalker to Mars

So how cool is former astronaut Buzz Aldrin!  The second man to walk on the moon, and one of only twelve people ever to do so,  is heading up a new social media campaign to remember the Apollo 11 mission.  Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, along with mission commander Neil Armstrong (1930-2012), set foot on the moon for 21.5 hours on July 20, 1969.  With the mission's 45th anniversary just around the corner, Aldrin is asking people around the world to share their memories of the event, which unfolded on live television thanks to the Westinghouse Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Television Camera that beamed its signal back to earth.  

While Aldrin may be feeling nostalgic about the past,  he's also thinking about the future. He took to Reddit this week not only to talk about Apollo 11, but also to promote continued space exploration and manned missions to Mars.  He's hoping that an international team will establsh a permanent colony there in the not too distant future. It's a topic he'll no doubt talk about again on Monday, July 14, when he joins an Apollo 11 Google hangout with Space.com.   

#Hollywood: Fights For Film

#Hollywood: Fights For Film

#CARCANDY: deep in the heart of tesla

#CARCANDY: deep in the heart of tesla